Thursday, May 23, 2019

Life, Lately: May Day(s)

Hello, hellooooo~

 It's been two months since I've written something re: my life. Not that I'm saying you're interested nor you've missed anything grand about this mundane, humdrum existence of mine, but yeah... let's say I just missed "talking" to this blank space on the www. Also, March and April were a blur- those two months happened so fast and it's just now that I got to pause and calm down even for a little bit.

First off, I finally finished my Beautiful Bicol series, a three-part write-up on my recent trip somewhere in  my home country, Philippines. 

If you haven't read them, you can access the following links:

Calaguas x Balagbag Island

All About Mayon

You might have also heard that Japan  changed its emperor and along with it comes a change in the name of the era. From Heisei, it's now Reiwa, which I turned to like because of the petty reason that its kanji characters are easy to write for a kanji noob that is *drumroll* me lol~ So yeah, this year's Golden Week in Japan was a whopping 10-day  vacation (for some lucky ones, yours truly included) because of that so  I was able to spend a few days in Yamanashi with the beau's family. It was quite fun and I'm planning to make a proper post on our Yamanashi trip (once I get the time and the will to write it lol) so doncha worry~

Also, I went to iKON Fan Meeting 2019, something I've been eagerly waiting for this month. Well, I love iKON to death, need I say more? Heh~

One random night, I answered a personality test online (again, after three years) and me being "shocked" with the results is an understatement. I am INFP-T (The Adventurer). Since when did I become an introvert??? I mean, I always thought I like people and being with people- that I'm an extravert/extrovert. I had the surprise of my life from an online test *much wow* lol. I was an ENTP-T (The Debater) before. 
Guess, people really change over time huh~ 

Here is the link if you wanna try out for yourself: 

Shocking personality tests aside, the beau and I had a little Narita exploration after we brought his parents and relatives to the airport! I've always associated Narita with well, Narita Airport. But then there's more to it being an airport- go out and you'll see. I did that and I'm glad I did. Another proper post about that coming soon. *wink*

Last but not the least, Roppongi Art Night 2019 which I enjoyed better than last year's. I'd have to give the curators a very big round of applause for this! I enjoyed a lot!

Ahhh quite a lot of things happened, huh? But I guess there's gonna be more cos June is my birth month!

So yup! Until then, www friends!


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