For those who have had read Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being A Wallflower, "And in that moment I swear we're infinite" would be familiar. I don't exactly know what Charlie felt during his roadtrip with Sam and Patrick that he was able to blurt that one above but I think I have a bit of an idea.
So my bestfriend along with new acquaintances from another university agreed to this Majayjay trip as our last hurrah for summer. Catching up (with my best friend), yes, cos I spent almost whole of my summer vacation with my family in Tokyo. We agreed to meet up at 8AM, but another yes, we were never that prompt and ended up boarding the DLTB bus en route to Sta. Cruz, Laguna three hours after.
I thought this trip would be, well, boring because the group I am with is not my usual one. True enough, we were quiet throughout the bus ride, earphones on. However all of that changed when we got off the bus at Sta. Cruz and waited for the jeepney bound to Majayjay. We waited for ten long minutes or so under the striking heat of the sun. Imagine our joy when we eyed a jeepney with a Majayjay sign board. And imagine our excitement when the jeepney driver asked us to sit on the roof of the jeepney cos there were no vacant seats inside and the next jeepney bound to our place of interest might take ten minutes more or less.
We gave it a go and I am glad we did. :-)
That And In That Moment, I Swear We're Infinite moment. |
Gimoy HAHAHA! |
With my bestfriend's girlfriend, Tin. |
Bestfriend Albert and new friend Gimoy. |
After a couple of hours we arrived at our destination. A small baranggay hall welcomed us; this was where we paid for our tickets (30php/head) and rented our tent (250php) for our overnight stay. Grilled meat, liquor, noodles and pretty much everything you'll be needing can be bought from the sari-sari stores lined up before the Taytay Falls' entrance.
10-15 minute walk from the entrance to the tent site. |
Beautiful Taytay Falls in Majayjay, Laguna. |
Albert and Mogs. |
Balut and Penoy with some shots of vodka. In here, ice isn't a problem. One can just chill bottles by immersing them in the ice cold water. And when I say ice cold, I mean it. |
Sleeping Topher and Gimoy. We took turns sleeping inside the tent cos the six of us can't fit in at the same time. :)) I suggest, bring jackets, pillows, blankets, flashlight and mosquito repellent! :) |
A very great way to end the summer break and welcome the new semester! :-)
*Photos from Tin Santos