Hello!!! August was a busy month for me- too much work (daily full-time and part-time) and too many events! Not complaining, though. I love being busy as long as I have time for myself and people I value, too.
Anyway, I've been to three events (as you can see from this post's title haha) that I had been very giddy about the past months. Without further ado, here they are~
✧Pikachu Outbreak 2017, Yokohama Day 1✧
Been meaning to go to this annual event last year with the beau but due to some forgotten reason, we weren't able to go. So this time, the beau being a Pokemon addict, insisted we go this year. And so we did! We were very lucky we were able to see the dancing Pikachus at Queen's Square, the marching Pikachus near MARK IS, and lotsa tiny Pikachus with Mimikyu in front of Sakuragicho Station. We were also able to bring home some paper Pikachu hats and stamps given at Minatomirai Station yay! Of course, we played Pokemon Go until nine in the evening and I got lotsa Mimes and other 2nd gen Pokemons!!!

Dancing Pikachus at Queen's Square

Free Pikachu hat given out at Minatomirai Station

Ate at an Italian restaurant near Dockside Garden! Their pasta and pizza were goood! Forgot the name of the resto, though~

Cosmo World as shot near the port.
Lovely cotton candy skies~

Availed of one of the many purikura services inside Cosmo World ♡

There was a Pokemon Go Park near Pacifico Yokohama and there were lotsa Mimes up for grabs! For this particular event, they scattered Mimes in Yokohama- it was a limited Pokemon only found in Europe, as Kangaskhan can only be caught in Australia.

Roamed around Isezakicho and found this pretty alley~

Our second day in Yokohama was reserved for the next event but the beau and I weren't able to resist the cute Pikachu balloons in front of Sakuragicho Station. Plus, there was a mini Pikachu parade of sorts featuring Mimikyu (I don't have a photo, though)!

Chanced upon a marching parade in between Yokohama MOA and MARK IS!!! So cute!!!
If you are in Japan during summer and if you happen to love Pokemon, I suggest you go! You'll get your Pokemon/Pikachu fix and you'll also get to see Yokohama's beauty. Whenever friends ask me for travel recos near Tokyo, I always include Yokohama in the list. Think, Cosmo World, Yokohama MOA, Yokohama Chinatown, Red Brick Warehouse, Pacifico Yokohama, Cup Noodles Museum, and lots more!!!
✧Yokohama Triennale 2017, Yokohama Day 2✧
The timing was really perfect for me because the Pikachu Outbreak 2017 was held simultaneously with this triennale, an art event which is only held every three years. For this triennale, we checked out three different venues for lotsa art- Yokohama Museum of Art, Red Brick Warehouse 1, and Yokohama Port Memorial Hall. I'm gonna craft out another detailed post for this (I hope I really can haha) soon. This cost me 1,500 JPY when I bought early bird tickets online, which I think is a good deal rather than spending a few hundreds more if I buy on the day of the event. Here are a few of my fave snaps!

Yasss, finally~

Will include details of this and the rest of the photos of the triennale in another post heh~

✧Summer Sonic Tokyo 2017✧
Ahhh this one is my most fave. Been wanting to go to this annual music festival ever since I came across a flyer of it at a convenience store four years ago. Being new to Tokyo, I didn't have any free money to spare for such, let alone a proper job hahaha so yeah you know what happened. Fast forward to this month, I was able to go ~hurrah~!!! However, I got sick by dusk because I was under the heat for a looonggg time (the festivities started before 11AM) and come 5ish in the aft, it suddenly rained!!! It was unfortunate to not be able to watch Black Eyed Peas and Calvin Harris but I was having little chills already so I went home. Anyway, there's still next time. I'd surely go again! For now, here are some snippets I've managed to save~

Centerpiece at Makuhari Messe

Huhu yeyyyy~

The beau bugged me so much to see Pikotaro hahaha! Surpisingly, I enjoyed myself! This was the time that I was so amazed by Japanese concert-goers because they actually follow the instructions of the playing artist/band. If the artist tells them to wave their hands in a certain direction or jump even, they'd do so, in unison!!!

Ahhhhh my fave!!!

Of course, kakigori ❁

Beach stage entrance

Super chill~

Matchy matchy docs♡

Our only decent photo haha!
Thanks to the stranger who took this! Arigatou~


Honne yayyyy ♡

One of the rest areas scattered around~

"Where must we go?"
Kinda lengthy but thanks for reading! But hey, how was your August? Any exciting things you were up to? Don't hesitate to share them below! ♡