Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Life, Lately: Autumnblings and November

Hello and welcome back to my little space on the www! ♡ I have been quite active (I think) here recently and I felt so accomplished putting up two posts in a month! That's already a feat for me since I kinda struggle with scheduling (even though I have lots of planners lol). But yeah, thanks for sparing  this virtual humble abode of mine some time, I really appreciate it. *hugs*

Autumn colors, Mitsugi Park 

So yup, November! One of my Instagram posts' caption reads, "my favorite color is November". And it truly is. I never thought I'd love autumn this much cos there's no autumn in my home country. I don't know why, probably the gorgeous reds, yellows, oranges, browns are to blame. 

At Itchiku Kubota Museum, Yamanashi

Also, as weird as it may sound, I love the "gloominess" that the autumn season brings, if there's such thing. Who here feels the same way? Or is it just me? 

Somewhere in Omotesando

Gloominess aside, November this year was quite nice but too fast, at least for me. I had a lot planned though I wasn't able to really tick all of them off my list but that's okay. Sometimes we can't do the things that we wanna do due to a myriad of reasons and that's alright. I only went to two major places which I wrote about: Anata no Warehouse and Yamanashi, in contrast to a lot of places I wrote on my planner.  In return, however,  I felt ~rested~ unlike the previous months and I was able to take care of the Christmas postcards I was thinking of sending to friends. Sometimes we really need to stop and rest so we can recharge, come back stronger, and do *other* things that make us happy/good even if those weren't on the list. 

November proved to be a month of great impulses, too. I know I'm an impulsive person to begin with but I was too impulsive this time that I even surprised myself. Like one minute I thought of watching Frozen II and the next minute I'm on my way to the cinema... or I was just chilling at home and the beau asked if I wanted to go to the Philippine Festival in Yoyogi and off I took a bath and went. I'm a planner person and I ditch my planner and do unplanned things? I mean, who is she? Lol. Guess people change, and it's just that mine was abrupt and the level was unexpected. But hey, I had fun so I think it's alright, right?

Autumn afternoons in the city~

I feel like this blog post's coherence is meh. Like how my thoughts are scattered everywhere on the floor likespilt milk. But heyyyy, it's done and I'm excited for what lies ahead for me in December aka the last hurrah of 2019! I hope that it'll all be fun fun fun (and that I could write coherently by then) lol! Do you have any plans for the rest of December? Mind sharing them with me below?♡

'Til my next post! Keep warm, friends!♡

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